Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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also it reminds me of the first fic that made me cry and that's not okay :C

The one that used "When We Two Are Parted", btw.
It makes me laugh because it... goes back to before I started slashing, and almost to before I started writing fic, period. >.>;;
:) I'm on the site

...I was reading Squight's post, and remembered that during the slashwars we moved our fic. I randomly wondered it it was still there, googled, and AAAAH!

My god, that makes me feel old.
Haha, MX makes me feel all *awkward turtle* because everyone's all OMG I JOINED FIVE MONTHS AGO so I'm all fuckyoubitches I've been here for three years goddammit.

Then I get some perspective.

Thank God for you...
Shuddup you :)

Indigo's been around a while as well, and squight. I don't give a damn about the books anymore, haven't finished 5, rarely read MRfic, it's the people. Just the people. Fandom got royally buttraped by JP and the MDW mods. I'm not here for that anymore.

And the Noobs come in, post twice and then disappear. Only a few do you actually give a damn about.
5 was way, way not worth it. God I hated that book. The one line I looked forward to was a lie :C

Some of the fic is good, but... one of the only emotionally good, well-written fics I've read recently was written by someone who was rabidly against slash, so I was all bitch please.
Getting ready for school. DX I hate Mondays.
I'm a going to go play my piano some time soon :)
Being sick enough to stay home from school. I can't decide if it's fun or miserable...
-.- Wondering what I should be doing...there's's gnawing at the back of my brain...

>.< Work brain! Why'd I replace you if you ain't gonna effing work!?


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