I have this one kid in my geometry and bio classes who is a genius. And a complete suck-up, and he's nerdy enough to actually have time to devote to perfecting all of his hw. I mean, I have no life, but at least I've developed an online life. But he's.... picky about sharing. He's willing to share with me, for some reason, but that just makes me feel bad about asking, so I usually either do it, or let myself fail.....
Friend: "So I went out with this guy Nathan..."
Me: "So the guy's name is Nathan?"
Friend: "Yes, Megan, Nathan is a guy name....
Me: "Oh. Right. Of course. Go on..."
I've had so many weird conversations IRL that come just from my reactions to certain words/phrases, things like that.... They'll say something that they think to be normal, and I'll take it completely differently.