Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Seeing the quiz got it stuck in my head, and then I amazed/scared myself to find out that I still know most of the words. Then that was cause to run frantically around my house asking everyone else if they remember it. Jimmy sang along with me and is now looking for my/his old Pokemon cards.
XD Awesome.
My parents just informed me that they sold them in a yard sale. *is crushed*

Oh, that's probably the yard sale where I hid in the tree and did "surveillance." It was a good excuse to sit in a tree and spy on people, but sometimes I startled randoms.

They.... sold them. And Jimmy lived in the time where there were more than just the classic characters, so there were like a billion of them....

Wow. . . . .

The people on Myspace via telepathy.

Holy. Crap. O.o Pokemon theme song. X3 So many childhood memories...
I'm gonna go to bed, you guys. I've been dealing with a load of serious shit all night, so I'm logging off to let it all go. Hopefully tomorrow will be a...lighter day.

Good luck with.... whatever it is. Sweet dreams.
*loves my new screencap of Miles's dream*
You must admit, that was. . . . .'adorable'.
*sighs* You're using my word against me. >.>

*never used the word 'adorable' before this*
Yeah, I remember you used it for something, once, and it just sounded odd coming from you....
You mean a few hours ago on chat?


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