Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Everyone starts somewhere.

What's a n00b?
A n00b is someone who is new AND completely oblivious to help or suggestions, or simply too lazy to look for either of the two.

I'm new, am I a n00b?
Well, the fact that you're speaking in full sentences with punctuation tends to suggest not, but only a few new people (or "newbs," short for newbie) are actually in turn n00bs. Most new people tend to sort themselves out into one of the other three categories fairly quickly, but a small fraction stays n00bish.

What are some typical indicators that someone is a n00b?
1) If they speak in a mimmicry 1337, s0r7 0f l1k3 7his, bu7 w17h w0r53 9r4mm3r 4nd n0 punc7u4710n (not to mention that the number-letter switch is less, making it again, not proper 1337, but a badly-formed fake)
2) If they post a topic that has already been posted a dozen-odd times (Fax is awesome, random debates, etc)
3) Swear words (which are against TOS by the way, part of the reason why there are so few n00bs)
4) Try to post in a thread without reading the OP, or ask questions about the thread that were answered in the OP.

How are n00bs usually treated by other site members?
Most squees don't seem to mind, most sanes give them a rather dull unhappy comment, and Antis will attempt the internet version of trying to bite their head off.

Again, if you have anything else to add, please say so.

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This is the group I fall into. >./body>, not really >.>

You might be new to the fandom I'm not sure, but you're not a n00b.
Very much so. November 1st, as Tally said.
EndOf already made the point, but let me just say that you're way more mature and "with it" than I was when I'd been in the fandom for, like... uh... *math* three or so months.

A n00b is someone who is new AND completely oblivious to help or suggestions, or simply too lazy to look for either of the two.
I stand corrected. Not a n00b, just... a newb?
I love noobs. And hate them. But I do love them, and I enjoy picking out random noobs and 'adopting' them like one might adopt a kitten. Okay, so I'm not very helpful, but I never claimed to be, did I?

"A n00b is someone who is new AND completely oblivious to help or suggestions, or simply too lazy to look for either of the two."

End, you said it right there. Also, it's pretty much vital to emphasize the difference between noobs and newbs... I don't know how to phrase it properly, but it's terribly important to mention that.
If you're really nice to them, you'll accidentally get a bunch of them to follow you around like sheep....Or coax them into following somebody else around like sheep, either way.
Or you can set them against each other. Or convince them that you're also a noob, it's easy to do.

OMG TALYL I HTAE U!!!!!1!1111!!1 UR SO STOOPIDD!!!!11!!!eleventy1!!!1!1!
Is that how you get them into all those Golden Days meat grinders, or does that involve more coaxing?
*isn't quite sure what you're trying to say*


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